Trip planning begins as Malaysia opens borders to International visitors

After Malaysia opened its borders to International visitors on April 1st 2022, the team at Westgate Refugee Support have been busy planning for the next volunteer trip, to take place during the mid-year school holidays in June 2022.

We’ll be visiting refugee schools in Malaysia to assist with teaching and continue our teacher training program, that provides older refugee students with the opportunity to develop their own teaching skills to take on roles as teachers in their community.

We’ll also be facilitating a number of other exciting programs that each require the support of ongoing funding and volunteers.

On all trips, our volunteers each take on a specific project or role that they can contribute to. We are always looking for new volunteers, but especially those with experience in specific areas such as:

  • Teachers and trained educators

  • IT professionals

  • Healthcare workers

  • Community and social workers

  • Photography, media and communications

If you’d like to find out more about volunteering on the trip, you can contact us here , or make a donation to help us make an impact.

Westgate Refugee Support